Wednesday 27 November 2013

Free Looks MovieStarPlanet!


Hey guys! On one of my artbooks I said that I would tell you how I get these amazing looks for 

free but take half an hour to do so. May I remind you that only level 3 and above can use my 

method as level 2 and lower levels can't trade/give gifts yet and we need to do some trading/giving 

gifts. I can show you low levels how to get to level 3 tooFollow my steps closely to get loads of 

cool and different looks and also items (if you wish) without using a single penny from your main

 MSP account. (How cool is that?) This is fairly quick (no not really that quick, if you think about

 it or if you think 30 minutes is quick then it's quick! XD) slow but yeah it's worth it. But you can

 get a free WHOOPING 2000 STARCOINS! 

 But anyway, although I haven't gotten 100 loves yet,

I will tell you guys my secret anyway...

1. Make a new account

2. Once you did that, complete all the tasks set which may take time.

Tip: Use your main in some of the tasks set

Example: If the task said something like,

"1. Enter a chatroom.
2. Send a friend request.
3. Wait for them to accept."

Just simply enter a chatroom and close it again. Search on friend list for your main account and 

add that. On another tab just make sure you have your main account just in case you need it for 

other missions and stuff.

3. After you did that you need more credits so... make a movie and add your main account (you 


also get about 2000 fame added on your main for your hard work. ;] )

4. Make at least 10 new accounts (just in case) and send the account you are working on to get to 

level 3 an auto graph and watch its movies and love looks, artbooks and other stuff that'll get you 

fame. Use all 10 accounts and repeat what you did. (This takes the longest ._. XD)

5. When you finished that, log out of the account and then log back in and see if it reached level 

3. You should have at least 2000 starcoins and if you do reach that level and get about over 1000 

starcoins or near that (the most starcoins you can get while using 10 accounts to earn fame is 

2000-2050 starcoins which is A LOT!!!)

6. Then you can go to the shops and buy whatever you like and spend the limit 2000 on clothes or 

items to transfer onto your main account.

7.FINALLY, (Your getting excited I know you are. ;] ) Get two tabs on and go on 

MovieStarPlanet and then go on your main account and the account you got to level 3 with and 

with that account press on your main and transfer the clothes you brought onto that account and 



Add my account R0$EE on MovieStarPlanet account which is the UK one and only the UK one. Add me if you like and please help me level up! Thanks to all who do and I hope those tips will help you! :) May make another Blog to help all my friends! (YOU!) ;) 


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